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The Future is Here: Why eInvoicing is the new norm for business transactions in Aotearoa New Zealand

You may have heard about the recent IRD legislative changes regarding tax invoices for GST in New Zealand. These changes will require businesses to issue electronic invoices or eInvoices for all supplies made to other GST-registered businesses. This is a significant shift towards driving greater efficiency in business operations.

The recent changes have also prompted the IRD to redefine what constitutes a tax invoice, reflecting a shift towards data-driven transactions. The name change shows that the data is more important than the document, creating an inclusion of data-driven transactions like Peppol eInvoicing that aren't necessarily document-based.

Given that there have been legislative changes, it also demonstrates that eInvoicing is set to become the new norm for how B2B and B2G transactions work. That eInvoicing isn't just a fad or the latest buzzword. It's the way forward, and businesses that adopt eInvoicing will reap the benefits of greater efficiency and cost savings.

As a provider of Peppol eInvoicing solutions, we understand the value of eInvoicing and its importance in business operations. Our solutions are designed to be user-friendly, compliant with IRD requirements, and tailored to your business's specific needs.

So, if you're looking to stay ahead of the curve, consider making the switch to eInvoicing with the support of Desktop Imaging. We're here to support you every step of the way towards a more efficient, sustainable, and prosperous business environment in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Desktop Imaging

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